Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition that “precludes death or prolonging of the life expectancy of an individual.” Numerous definitions have been employed over the years for various purposes. In this article, we will use the commonly accepted definition of health to help us better understand the challenge of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We will also examine some common misconceptions about health and why its definition is so important to maintaining a long and successful life.
The first step in understanding the definition of Health is to realize that it is an absence of disease or illness. Disease is something that can occur in one or both body systems and is usually a result of an external agent. Common diseases include cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Autism, pneumonia, leukemia and several others. An absence of any of these common diseases does not necessarily mean that a person does not have a Healthy lifestyle.
The second step is to understand that good health is a combination of good nutrition, regular exercise, and a healthy mental and physical environment. Good nutrition refers to eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which are an excellent source of dietary fiber, minerals, and dietary antioxidants. Regular exercise helps to keep a person physically fit and stress levels in check; therefore, stress reduction is another key element to good health.
A healthy mental state refers to a state in which one feels relaxed, energetic and focused. This state of mental well being is reflected in one’s physical functioning. A mentally healthy person is able to cope with daily demands with greater ease and flexibility than a physically unhealthy individual. A healthy physical body reflects a healthy mind. The absence of illness in the physical body does not always imply a healthy mind; in fact, a physically unhealthy mind can lead to numerous types of disease, some of which are serious.
A good health care program, which encompasses all of the aspects of healthy living, must also include some form of social determinants. A good health care program promotes healthy relationships between people. It also promotes self-care, which means an individual has time to focus on their own health care needs as well as those of their family and friends. Social determinants are particularly important, as they influence both the physical and mental determinants of good health.
Overall, prevention is better than cure. Prevention is the best measure for achieving a healthy lifestyle. Medications can provide relief from some of the most common diseases, such as depression and anxiety, as well as treating the more serious diseases. However, if the disease has not been treated or is recurrent, it can still be overcome through preventative measures, such as exercise and a good diet. Prevention is a better definition than the definition of good health, as being healthy cannot be achieved without taking responsibility for one’s self and the health of others.